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Mammoth Ear plant (Colocasia) for sale at Edenzone Boutique!! 9.99

5 ft elephant ear plants

We have the mammoth ear plant(Colocasia) at Edenzone Boutique.

The parents of the plants are over six ft tall! Our young mammoth ear plants are 10 inches tall and up. We ship.! Visit our website at www.edenzone.net.

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The parents are almost 6 ft. Live picture of last summer!!

Giant elephant ear plant 10 inches

Plants are 10 inches. Will grow to about 6 ft. 9.99 plus 7.99 shipping. Limit 2 per order. Ships USPS Priority Mail.



Truth is, We may be Loving Our Dogs to Death!

Edenzone Boutique offers a variety of pet care supplies and supplements.



visit our website at edenzone.net


It’s highly possible that you can litter train your rabbit!

Rabbit in litter box

Litter Training Your Rabbit

People have the idea that rabbit will litter all over the house. But to the contrary, rabbits make wonderful house pets. They’re great companions, and can be litter box trained.

     Keep in mind….It’s a good idea to get your rabbit spayed/neutered in order to ease territorial feelings. If you choose not to spay/neuter your rabbit. There is no way to stop the urge to mark their territory.

Below is a list of steps for litter training your new rabbit.

Use at least 3 topless cat litter boxes. You can also use a shallow storage tub.

For litter, use recycled paper litter or shreded newspapers can be used as well. This litter will neutralize any unpleasant urine odors. Do not use clay-based or clumping litter because of the potential harm to your rabbits’ respiratory system. Also avoid wood shavings of any kind.

Put a thin layer of litter at the bottom of the box. It should be just enough to absorb wetness. Use just a little because you will need to dump the litter everyday and too much is a waste of litter.

Rabbits like to eat hay and potty at the same time. So to promote good litter box habits, place hay either directly in the box over the litter or place it in a hay box next to the litter box. If you use a hay box, position it so the rabbit must hop into the litter box in order to reach the hay.

It’s easiest to develop good litter box habits in rabbits by limiting their spice. Consider Using a puppy pen to confine your rabbit to one area, even if you intend to give him/her free reign of your home eventually. This allows your bunny to get acclimated to the area in the beginning. Once your bunny consistently uses the litter box, you can gradually expand the area. If your rabbit starts “forgetting” to use the litter box, then limit the space again until good habits resume.

Litter training your pet rabbit takes patience and persistence. But in the end, you’ll have a wonderful companion to share your home with.

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Mayan Clay- for perfectly glowing, and radiant skin every time!

Edenzone Boutique in Brundidge Alabama, is proud to announce its new Mayan Clay. It’s 100% bentonite Clay used for facial cleansing and exfoliation.
Bentonite clay has been used for centuries to promote healthier tighter younger looking skin. This all-beautifying clay has minerals in the clay that help to draw out any oil and other residue from the skin, making it cleaner and healthier. 

Mayan Clay (100% Bentonite Clay)

Bentonite Clay has been used for years to tighten pores and remove impurities from the skin. Try Mayan clay for a healthier younger looking face! Just 19.99 shipping included!


Visit our website at edenzone.net to purchase Mayan Clay facial cleanser for just 9.99 plus shipping!

We have bird supplies at Edenzone Boutique!

Edenzone Boutique offers bird supplies. Treat your pet to some of these essential items. Perches ,feeders and other supplies are at available to our Brundidge community boutique as well as online.

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Angel Trumpet bushes (white) 3ft. $20.00

We have Angel Trumpet bushes (Brugmansia) for sale at Edenzone Boutique. Visit our website at http://www.edenzone.net . 3 ft. Tall angel’s trumpet bushes available for sale.

Angel’s Trumpet Bush 3ft

Angel’s Trumpet Bush for sale. All colors Angel’s Trumpet Bush 20.00 plus 19.95 shipping total (39.95)


The Angel’s trumpet is a beautiful, ornamental bush! Our bushes or 3 to 4 ft tall. They are shipped USPS Ground..

We have pink Angel’s Trumpet for sale as well!!!


You can create productive garden soil that is toxin-free no matter where you live!

Save today before it’s too late!

Around the world, everyone is talking about environmental issues and the concept of “going green.” Natural organic gardening and landscaping are among the most important parts of that movement. Some organic proponents only say to stop using the chemicals. Howard Garrett, in The Organic Manual, explains in detail what to do instead. His “what to do” is the organic method. The book opens with the advice to stop the use of toxic chemicals, pesticides, and synthetic fertilizers, but Garrett then goes on, in great detail, about the practical alternatives. This is one of the few books effective for use coast to coast and border to border. The organic method has no geographic boundaries.

The best kept secret of all (uncovered in this book) is that the organic program is better in every way. Whether it’s growing beautiful landscaping or delicious, healthy food crops, The Organic Manual explains bed preparation, planting, pest control, and compost making. It also covers natural living advice. The organic method is the most efficient, most cost effective, and most fun of any approach. It also produces the best trees, shrubs, flowers, fruits, and vegetables that you’ll ever grow.

PLUS | Order today and we’ll throw in a free gift: Mother Earth News Collector Series: Organic Gardening, 3rd Edition – a perfect stocking stuffer or a special treat just for you!

The 14 Tablets of Enki

The complete description of the 14 tablets of Enki. However, the story is by Zakaria Sitchin who pieced together many texts of questionable origin to make the book. It’s still …


Let’s take a closer look at ancient ceremonial herbal traditions

little brown mushrooms growing in forest

The ritual use of magic mushrooms containing psilocybin for mystical or spiritual purposes dates back to pre-Columbian Mesoamerican societies and continues to this day. Trusted Source

Psychoactive mushrooms have been used for thousands of years and have a long history of both medicinal and ceremonial use among indigenous peoples in many parts of the world, including Europe and the Americas.

psilocybin mushroom growing in sunny park


“We’re discussing the Moon and its so many meanings to us all. Join us on the Covenant Rant Forum to discuss it other people with similar interests!

 The American continent is very rich in psychoactive plants and fungi, and many pre-Columbian Mesoamerican cultures used them for magical, therapeutic and religious purposes.

Early uses of psychotogens in Mesoamerica included mushrooms in herb eluxirs.

In european fokelore, a long standing theory is that magic mushrooms were used in the druids religious ceremonies. 
There were ceromonial rituals which included mushroom consumption. It was eaten for its hallucinogenic properties because the hallucinations conferred great knowledge and enlightenment. The ancient peoples called the mushroom the “flesh of the gods” and it is believed that the druids used it to come in direct communication with the universe. It is surmised that the druids would consume mushrooms and then sit in sweat houses.



Irish folks have long thought of the mushroom “fruit” as a connection to the much larger organism underground. Because the huge tracts of subterranean mushroom can be thousands of years old, many of the ancients believed that its wisdom could be passed to humans via consumption of the fruit. 


Shonagh speaks of Mead, a common beverage used also for ritual where it would be spiked with certain herbs and believes that there is a high likelihood that druides included psychoactives like mushrooms in their practices. He says, “The druids trained for 20 years in subjects such as law, astronomy, philosophy, poetry, medicine, music, geometry divination, and magic. It is probable that specific substances were used to induce high trance states to receive poetic inspiration and messages from the gods.” source of info

Try The Nature’s Aquaponic vase now at Edenzone Boutique


Keeping a Betta fish in a vase with a live plant, is an popular practice. Betta fish are a colorful, tropical species of freshwater fish. Because they are highly territorial, the males are frequently transported or housed in small isolated containers. Edenzone Boutique carries several types of Betta bowls. We have the Natures Aquaponic, the Aqueon Betta Bowl, and the led lighted Betta Vase.

Just 24.99 at Edenzone Boutique!

Once you have chosen a vase. Take the opportunity to collect other items to put in your vase with your Betta. Most people include a live plant, a tray, and gravel.

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The More You want to Give, The More You Are Capable Of Giving


A note from Purina President Nina Leigh Krueger

A Note from Purina President Nina Leigh Krueger
Across Purina, we are supporting organizations in the communities that we operate to help our friends and neighbors, and, of course, pets. We will remain steadfast in our commitment to provide pet food, treats and litter to our pet shelter and rescue partners across the country as their needs evolve with this crisis.

But we must and will do more.

We have selected three national nonprofit organizations to support during this crisis, each with initiatives to bring and keep pets and people together at a time when we need each other most.

Petfinder Foundation has organized a COVID-19 fund to provide shelters and rescue organizations with financial support to bridge financial gaps and help to keep their operations running to find loving homes for adoptable pets.
GreaterGood.org’s Rescue Bank program is providing pet food and essential supplies to pet shelters and individual pet owners in need, helping to keep pets with their families.
RedRover, our Purple Leash Project partner, is doubling down its efforts to offer emergency grants for domestic violence survivors with pets who are leaving their abusers during this volatile time, and introducing new emergency boarding grants to pet owners who are diagnosed with COVID-19 to ensure their pets are cared for while they recover.
As this global crisis develops, the helpers are emerging, and Purina is committed to standing tall. We are providing these partners and others with more than they have asked of us, and we ask those who have the means to help, to consider giving as well.

I am heartened by the stories of love and hope casting rays of light in an uncertain time in our history. Neighbors are helping neighbors, and pets are wearing many hats as our best friends have now become our home office mates, household entertainers and, of course, our furry therapists.

At Purina, family comes first. Please stay safe and diligent and know that we are in this together.

Nina Leigh Krueger
President of Purina

Purina. Your Pet, Our Passion.
Innovation Is Our Pledge
Is Our Pledge
Pets Are Our Passion
Pets Are Our
Safety Is Our Promise
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The mythical magical powers of the Shamans drum

The first Shamans drum was given to Gilgamesh by the Goddess Inanna. She used the roots of the tree of life to fashion a drum and the tip of the tree of life to fashion a drumstick for Gilgamesh as a gift. 

Visit edenzone.net to read more about the Shaman’s drum

visit edenzone.net for more information!

The 14 Tablets of Enki

The complete description of the 14 tablets of Enki. However, the story is by Zakaria Sitchin who pieced together many texts of questionable origin to make the book. It’s still …


This is your reminder…

antique bottles on an apothecary shelf

Just a wee reminder that our Spring Sale extravaganza comes to a close in just TWO days.

Sweetshrub ,


Just a wee reminder that our Spring Sale extravaganza comes to a close in just TWO days.

If you’ve been wanting to study herbal medicine and are excited to join a community of like-minded plant peeps, our programs offer an herbal learning experience centered on sustainability—for people, the planet, and the plants.

Our courses are about establishing a relationship with the herbs you use for medicine—an alliance that yields connection with your local landscape, knowledge of nourishing wild foods and medicinals, and the skills to craft high-potency herbal remedies.

If you’re eager to forge botanical bonds, we have three programs that will make all your herbal dreams come true.


Stock Your Apothecary with the Online Medicine Making Course

Even if you’re a seasoned medicine-maker, you can bet your bottom flower that you’re going to gain all-new insights into the art (& science!) of handcrafting your very own herbal remedies in our 150-hour Online Medicine Making Course.

In addition to alchemizing the most medicinally-potent herbal preparations around, you’ll gain a foundational understanding of how plant medicines work and create your own inner circle of herbal allies.

The anise hyssop on top: if you aspire to start an herbal products business, our 44-page Herbal Livelihoods Guide—included in the course—will set you up for sweet success!

Save 20% on the Medicine Making Course

Become a Forager for Life with the Online Foraging Course

Are you ready to know and use the plants growing all around you? Our 375-hour Online Foraging Course will teach you everything you need to know to confidently identify, harvest, and prepare wild food + medicine with 21 of the most abundant and nourishing plants on the planet.

You’ll also gain the botany & plant identification skills needed to set you up for a lifetime of foraging new plants in new places—safely and sustainably.

Most folks like to bundle the Foraging Course with our Online Medicine Making Course, for extra skills and extra savings.

But don’t dilly-dally, the Foraging Course & Bundle are only available once a year and enrollment is closing April 5th!

Save 20% on the Foraging Course

Become an Herbalist with the Online Herbal Immersion

Our 1,000-hour Online Herbal Immersion is designed with the truly passionate plant person in mind. Encompassing all of the programs above and then some, the Immersion is THE most comprehensive online training in hands-on herbalism in the world.

Are you ready to dive deep? This course covers herbal materia medica, medicinal plant cultivation, wild food and medicine foraging, medicine making, plant I.D., herbal livelihoods, and so much more in 166 videos, 186 lessons, and a gorgeous 1,446 page course manual!

We’re also adding new content to this program all the time, which you receive as automatic upgrades.

Save 20% on the Immersion
Bonus! Printed course manuals are FREE for students in the US who pay tuition in full upfront. For students who enroll with the payment plan, tuition does not include the printed course manuals. However, the printed manuals may be ordered from our outside printing partner at an affordable price! ALL students also receive a free electronic manual upon enrollment.
Sunshine & spring pansies,


Juliet, Meghan, and the Chestnut Team

PS. We’ve had over 8,800 students in 55+ countries enroll in our online herbal courses. Take a peek at what some of them are saying…


“Taking this course was like lifting a veil. I can now see and explore the magic and power in every weed, flower and tree.” ~ Valerie Alcorn

“Being a student in this school is healing in itself.” -Marina C.

“The Chestnut School program was rigorous and packed with quality information without the pressure of a traditional in-person classroom schedule. It worked for me because I could attend around my work and life events, and when I needed help, they always came through with answers, ideas, and support. The flexibility and thorough attention to detail were the difference for me with Chestnut and other programs.”~ Rissa M.



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Too Cute!


Too Cute

Too Cute

The goal line is at Edenzone Boutique.

Get all the finishing touches at Edenzone Boutique. We have jewelry accents to top off every outfit. So score big in fashion with Edenzone Boutique

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Welcome to the Mother Earth News newsletter! While you’re waiting for your first newsletter to arrive, here are some of our favorite articles and stories from previous editions.
8 Natural Bee Sting Treatment Options
8 Natural Bee Sting Treatment Options
Try these natural nonallergic bee sting remedies to reduce swelling and promote healing.
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Edenzone Boutique is taking orders for the all new Wig Wash product line.

raw of big dispensers with multicolored shampoo

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portrait of a woman in red bikini in the water
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Please stop using plastic disposable water bottles, now

Save today before it’s too late!


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